The Arctic Chess Challenge is taking place in Tromsø from August 4 to August 12, 2007. The field includes: 1 GM Magnus Carlsen 2710 NOR2 GM Bartosz Socko 2660 POL3 GM Vugar Gashimov 2655 AZE4 GM Aleksander Moiseenko 2641...
Arctic Chess Challenge

Foto: Bjørnar Pedersen Welcome to chess in the Arctic! Tromsø Sjakklubb invites you to one of the strongest Northern-Norwegian Opens ever. Prizes exceeding 10.000 Euros.Main prizes (Euros): 2500, 1600, 1000, 750, 650, 550, 450, 350, 250, 150 There will...
GM Magnus Carlsen on TV

GM Magnus Carlsen was on the funny talkshow “Rikets Røst” (means something like “The Voice of the Kingdom”) after his 2nd place finish in Linares. The video clip has english subtitles. Here is the link: a sidenote, the...
The Norway Post: Carlsen proved that he belongs

Chess: Magnus Carlsen 2nd in Linares Norwegian Grand Master (GM) Magnus Carlsen (16) shared second place in the annual Linares chess tournament held in the Andulsian province of Spain. Linares, culminating Sunday March 11th, is one of the major...