A place to park our chess please from Lisa Suhay on Vimeo. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess and cookies

C is for Chess & smart COOKIES from Lisa Suhay on Vimeo. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Open Letter to FLAG

OPEN LETTER TO FLAG (Foreign Links Around the Globe) Dear FLAG: I am the Director of the Norfolk Initiative for Chess Excellence (NICE) which, along with Norfolk State University, hosted the Inaugural All-Girls Virginia State Chess Championships which was...
Navy chess players battle in Norfolk, VA

Navy chess players from all over the country came to Norfolk, VA to compete in the Navy Qualifier. 5 of them were selected randomly to participate in the simul at the Chrysler Museum on March 2. From left to...
Pictures from Norfolk, VA

Click here to view over 170 pictures from the many chess events in Norfolk, Virginia Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Local girls win state championships

Area teens score big at state chess championshipBy Jennifer JiggettsThe Virginian-PilotMarch 3, 2012 Two area teenagers won top honors at the Virginia Queens’ State Championship at Norfolk State University on Saturday. Granby High School student Katya Lifshits, 17, won...
Photos from special events in Norfolk, Virginia

Supporting scholastic chess, especially for girls, women’s chess, military chess, chess in art and chess in education. Click here to view photos from the special event in Norfolk, Virginia. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Visiting the Virginian Pilot

Visiting the the HQ of the Virginian Pilot in Norfolk, Virginia. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar