Game 3 GM Muzychuk, Mariya vs GM Hou, Yifan [1/2-1/2] Mariya Muzychuk vs Hou Yifan 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 g3 d5 4 Bg2 Bb4+ 5 Bd2 Be7 6 Nf3 O-O 7 O-O Nbd7 8 Qc2 c6 9 Rd1 b6 10 Bf4 Ba6 11 cxd5 cxd5 12 Ne5 Rc8 13 Nc6 Bb5 14 Nxe7+ Qxe7 […]
Costly blunder in time pressure

Hou Yifan won the second game of the Women’s World Championship Match and after 2 games the score is 1.5:0.5 in her favor. The first two moves of the second game were the same as in the first round but on the third move Hou Yifan moved her bishop one square forward and Ruy Lopez […]
Peaceful start at the Women’s World Championship

Game 1 GM Muzychuk, Mariya vs GM Hou, Yifan [1/2-1/2] The first game of the Women’s World Championship Match between Maria Muzychuk and Hou Yifan finished in a draw after 31 moves and 3 hours of play. Hou Yifan had black pieces and decided to switch from Sicilian, which has been played in the last […]
Women’s World Chess Championship Match opens today

The Women’s World Chess Championship Match between Mariya Muzychuk (Ukraine) and Hou Yifan (China) is taking place from 1-19th March at the Potocki Palace in Lviv, Ukraine. The opening ceremony will take place tonight at 19:00 local time at the Lviv Opera House. Yesterday there was the first players meeting, when Mariya Muzychuk and Hou […]
Women’s World Championship to begin tomorrow Women’s World Chess Championship Match 2016 between the current World Champion Maria Muzychuk of Ukraine and her challenger, Hou Yifan of China (former World Champion 2010-2012, 2013-2015) will take place in Lviv, Ukraine, on March 1-18, 2016. The first game is scheduled to start at 3 pm local time on 2nd of March 2016 […]
Battle of the Chess Queens

Mariya Muzychuk (Ukrainian player, born September 21, 1992) is the 15th Women’s World Champion. Maria was born in the family of professional chess trainers, Natalia and Oleh Muzychuk. She started playing chess at age of 2 and participated in the first chess tournament at age of 5. Maria has an older sister, Anna Muzychuk, who […]
100+ point gap entering the WWC

Who will win the Women’s World Championship match 2016? Hou Yifan of China Mariya Muzychuk of Ukraine Latest live chess ratings before the Women’s World Championship ( Is it too much of an uphill climb for Mariya Muzychuk or can she shock the entire world by beating Hou Yifan? 1 Hou Yifan 2667.4 −5.6 […]
Can the underdog champ defend her crown?

Who will win the Women’s World Championship match 2016? Hou Yifan of China Mariya Muzychuk of Ukraine Chess queen Maria Muzychuk’s opponent Hou Yifan of China has already arrived in western city of Lviv to participate in a world chess match. The press service of the Lviv city hall told Ukrinform. “Contender for gold […]
Hou Yifan arrived in Lviv for Women’s World Championship match

Former women’s world champion and current challenger for the title Hou Yifan has arrived to Lviv, Ukraine, to play the World Championship Match 2016 against the reigning queen Mariya Muzychuk. Hou Yifan arrived with her mother and with trainer GM Vladimir Chuchelov. They were met at the airport by Deputy Mayor of Lviv for Andrei […]
Who will be crowned World Champion in Lviv, Ukraine?

Who will win the Women’s World Championship match 2016? Hou Yifan of China Mariya Muzychuk of Ukraine