Final round results Motylev, Alexander – Karjakin, Sergey ½ Onischuk, Alexander – Caruana, Fabiano ½ Efimenko, Zahar – Bacrot, Etienne 0-1 Rublevsky, Sergei – Bruzon, Lazaro 0-1 Jakovenko, Dmitry – Laznicka, Viktor ½ Final standings 1. Bacrot, E FRA...
Poikovsky enters the exciting final round

Final round pairings Jakovenko – LaznickaOnischuk – CaruanaMotylev – KarjakinEfimenko – BacrotRublevsky – BruzonStandings after 8 rounds 1. Karjakin, S RUS 2772 5 2-3. Bacrot, E FRA 2705 4½ 2-3. Caruana, F ITA 2712 4½ 4-6. Onischuk, A USA...
Karjakin leads Poikovsky with one round to go

Round 8 results Karjakin, Sergey – Efimenko, Zahar 1-0 Bacrot, Etienne – Rublevsky, Sergei ½ Caruana, Fabiano – Motylev, Alexander ½ Laznicka, Viktor – Onischuk, Alexander ½ Bruzon, Lazaro – Jakovenko, Dmitry ½ Standings after 8 rounds 1. Karjakin,...
Karjakin, Bacrot, Caruana tie for Poikovsky lead

Standings after 7 rounds 1-3. Bacrot, Etienne FRA 2705 4 1-3. Karjakin, Sergey RUS 2772 4 1-3. Caruana, Fabiano ITA 2712 4 4-7. Laznicka, Viktor CZE 2701 3½ 4-7 Onischuk, Alexander USA 2669 3½ 4-7 Efimenko, Zahar UKR 2703...
1 point separates all players after 5 rounds

Crosstable after 5 rounds 1-3. Bacrot, E FRA 2705 * . . ½ . ½ 1 ½ . ½ 3 1-3. Karjakin, S RUS 2772 . * . ½ . 1 ½ ½ ½ . 3 1-3. Efimenko, Z...
Judit held with Black to eliminate Karjakin

Sergey Karjakin – Judit Polgar World Cup Round 3 – game 2 Commentary by Chessdom 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 Again Ruy Lopez, only this time Polgar is Black and she won’t play Berlin Wall....
Judit 1-0 Karjakin
Judit Polgar – Sergey Karjakin World Cup – Round 3 LIVE commentary by the Chessdom team Sergey Karjakin defeated Wesley So after tiebreak games yesterday. Judit broke the resistance of Movsesian in classical games and with an extra rest...
Online Chess Lessons – Chess Coach William Stewart Update

Full text interview with interactive PGN is available here on my site. By Chess Coach Will Stewart (USCF 2256, FIDE 2234). Follow William on Facebook and Twitter Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Online Chess Lessons | World Team Chess Championship – Round 3

By Chess Tutor William Stewart US Team Dominates Egypt 3½ – ½ As black, Kamsky drew Adly in an opposite color bishop ending. The rest of the US team was a different story, as Onischuk’s solid opening preparation and...
Ready to lead

Evgeny Bareev feels Sergey Karjakin is ready to leadcolin.mcgourtyJuly 11, 2011 3:38 am On the eve of the Russian team’s flight to China the head coach, Evgeny Bareev, gave a short interview to the “Sport-Express” newspaper. In particular, he...