Preminuo Svetozar GligorićIzvor. B92, Tanjug | JTPoznati šahovski velemajstor Svetozar Gligorić preminuo je u utorak u Beogradu u 89. godini. Gligorić je umro u beogradskom Urgentnom centru od posledica moždanog udara. Detalji o mestu i vremenu sahrane biće naknadno...
Gligoric: Chess Legend Turns to Music
Lubomir KavalekInternational Chess GrandmasterPosted: March 7, 2011 03:02 PM Chess Legend Turns to Music He was one of the world’s leading chess players in the 1950s and 1960s and the Yugoslav player of the 20th century. After nearly seven...
Interview with the legendary Gligoric (part 2)
Below we present the second part of the interview with Svetozar Gligoric, Honorary Guest of the Tigran Petrosian 80th anniversary Grand Prix tournament in Jermuk, Armenia. GM and Chief Organizer Smbat Lputian sat down to have a lengthy and...
Interview with the legendary Gligoric (part 1)
Interview with Svetozar Gligoric, Honorary Guest of the Tigran Petrosian 80th anniversary Grand Prix tournament in Jermuk, Armenia Too often we chess fans are too heavily focused on discovering and promoting the next up and coming star. But it...
Game analysis
Two masters at playBy Malcolm PeinLast Updated: 12:01am GMT 11/02/2008 I will continue my tribute to both Bobby Fischer who passed away recently and Svetozar Gligoric who recently celebrated his 85th birthday by giving a win for each against...
The Yugoslavian legend
A grand old masterBy Malcolm PeinLast Updated: 12:01am GMT 09/02/2008 Svetozar Gligoric the Yugoslav Grandmaster and former world title Candidate recently celebrated his 85th birthday and in his honour an 85 player Rapid Chess tournament was held in his...
85 players for 85 years
Here is one of the photos from the 85th birthday celebration of GM Svetozar Gligoric. The tournament was played with 85 chess players, the winner in the men’s competition is GM Ivan Ivanisevic and in women’s competition is WGM...
Legendary GM Gligoric celebrates 85th birthday
by GM Alex Baburin Today Serbian GM Svetozar Gligoric celebrates his 85th birthday. In the 1950s and 1960s Gligoric was one of the world’s leading chess players. He won the Yugoslav championship 12 times. Gligoric made a considerable...