White to move. How should White proceed? Is this a win or draw for White? 8/6kP/5p2/8/5PP1/7r/3K4/4R3 w – – 0 1 Mozes, 1963 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Tricky endgame challenge

This is a VERY tricky puzzle. White to move and win.7k/7P/6K1/8/R7/8/8/7b w – – 0 1 Vancura, 1924 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Must know endgame pattern

Here is the solution to this difficult puzzle: 1. Bg2 Kg7 2. Be4 Kxh8 3. Bxg6 hxg6 4. g5 Kg7 5. Kxc4 Kf7 6. Kd5 Ke7 7. Ke5 Kf7 8. Kd6 Kf8 9. Ke6 Kg7 10. Ke7 Kg8 11....
Difficult endgame

White to move. Is this a win or draw for White? (no computer lines please) 8/p4p2/2p2K2/k1P4B/1p6/PP6/8/8 w – – 0 1 Gunst, 1966 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A classic endgame

White to move. Can White hold this position? 8/2ppr3/2P5/3P4/4p1R1/8/1k6/3K4 w – – 0 1 Pogosiants, 1964 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Interesting endgame

White to move and win. How should White proceed? 6N1/4pbK1/4k1p1/8/5PP1/8/8/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Special endgame

White to move. Can White hold this game? How should White proceed? No computer lines please. k7/p7/B2pp3/1K1Np3/1p2p3/1P2P3/2Pp4/8 w – – 0 1 Lobanov, 1964 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Difficult R & P endgame

White to move. Is this a win, draw, or loss for White? How should White proceed? 8/3P4/1P2p3/K1k1P3/P5R1/7P/4r3/3r4 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Bishop and Pawn endgame

Black to move. Is this a draw or win for Black? 8/1b3B1k/8/8/Kp2pp2/2P5/4P3/8 b – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Must know endgame

White to move. Is this a draw or loss for White? How should White proceed?8/8/6R1/8/3n4/4k3/r6P/6K1 w – – 0 47 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar