White to move. Find the best continuation for White. No computer please 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Practical game saving tactic
This was a game between Kelvin Yao and Eve Zhurbinskiy. It is Black to move. Black is in big trouble as White is threatening Ne7+ winning a piece. How can Black save this game? Chess Daily News from Susan...
Real game tactic
White to move. This was a game between GM Bareev and GM Yakovich. What is the best continuation for White? Where should White retreat the Queen? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Classic chess tactic
Black to move Chigorin-Walbrodt, Hastings 1895 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Game saving tactic
White to move. Can White save this game? What is White’s best shot? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
More practical chess tactic
White to move. What is the best continuation? This was an actual game between Eve Zhurbinskiy and Andrew Shvartsman(2074). Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar