Chess talk with employees of BlackRock worldwide (through BlackRock network) this afternoon in Budapest Here were some of the topics Being successful in a men-dominated field 1. What challenges did you face as a woman competing at the highest...
Pop Culture
I just received the following email from a friend of mine. Here is what she wrote: ‘I wanted to share this sweet story with you 🙂 I hope that you will enjoy it. My daughter Margot just walked in...
Photos from Kansas City, Missouri
45 photos from Kansas City, MO event: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess lecture in Chicago
WHO: Touch Move Chess Center WHAT: Chess Lecture WHEN: January 8,2009 (every Thursday 7pm -8:30pm) TOPIC: Opening theories + sample games+ Q & A WHERE : 5639 N. Ashland ave. Chicago IL. 60660 PHONE: 773-627-2759 FORMAT: 1:30 hrs Limit...