The city of Caracas, capital of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, will host the First Match Cup between Venezuela #1 chess player GM Eduardo Bonelli Iturrizaga (2646) and the Genius of Riga GM Alexei Shirov(2683). The event will take...
Venezuela to host Pan American Women’s University Chess Championship
Venezuela to host Pan American women’s university chess championshipSep 25, 2014 CARACAS, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) — Venezuela will host the Pan American Women’s University Championship of chess in November in the western university town of Merida, according to the...
MRW celebró su II Torneo Infantil de Ajedrez con la participación de la GM Internacional Susan Polgar
MRW celebró su II Torneo Infantil de Ajedrez con la participación de la GM Internacional Susan Polgar Escrito por Lcda. Eugenia MoralesMartes, 03 Julio 2012 00:10 Tal como estaba programado, desde tempranas horas de la mañana de este domingo,...
Highlights of my amazing trip to Caracas, Venezuela
Here are some of the employees and volunteers of the amazing event Photos from the MRW National Scholastic Tournament in Caracas: Here are some amazing highlights of the event: – 600 qualified players (about 1/2 are girls) came...
Huge scholastic event in Caracas, Venezuela
I was absolutely stunned when I visited a major national scholastic event in Caracas, Venezuela. It is sponsored by MRW (similar to FedEx in the US). The organizer put on quite a show with so much enthusiasm, excitement, and...
FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Caracas
Many of the national basketball teams, including Russia, are staying in the same hotel I am in right now in Caracas. It is amazing to see so many people over 6’5″ walking in and out of the lobby. The...
Photos from Caracas
Photos from Caracas: More to come shortly. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Photos from Caracas
Photos from Caracas: More to come shortly. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
3 years old and already knows how to checkmate
She just turned 3 last week and she already knows how to checkmate. She will be participating in one of the events tomorrow in Caracas. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Playing a friendly game against the President of MRW
The President MRW is a chess lover. He worked his way up the ladder and now runs a major company Venezuela. MRW now sponsors this annual huge scholastic event in Caracas. Some of the qualifiers will travel for many...