Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Ex-Soldier’s Chess Set
Ex-Soldier’s Chess Set Turns GWOT Into GameSoldier Thought Local Afghanistan Sets Might Benefit TalibanBy Ali Elkin, Special to CNNPOSTED: 10:50 am PDT June 22, 2011(CNN) — Chess was originally brought to Europe via Spain from the Arab world. Now, a Canadian veteran is sending Chess sets back to the Middle East — with kings modeled […]
Chess in Kandahar restores old Afghan pastime
Kandahar chess tournament restores old Afghan pastimeBy Helena MerrimanBBC News Residents of Kandahar have been taking part in a chess tournament in an attempt to revive one of the city’s former cultural pastimes. Under the Taliban, chess was forbidden, but the city’s older residents hope this tournament will reintroduce the game to a younger generation. […]
Chess crosses cultural barriers
Chess fans help soldiers get on board 150 chess sets are bound for Kandahar Air Base, where the popular game crosses cultural barriersEmily Senger, The Edmonton JournalPublished: 3:02 am When Maj. Regis Bellemare packed his chess set before shipping off to Afghanistan, he had no idea that the 32 plastic pieces and the checkered board […]