Mastering Control of the Center by GM Damian Lemos
Mastering Control of the Center by GM Damian Lemos
Posted on September 27,2013 By William in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, Classic Games (Pre 2010). Aside from focusing on rapid development and creating threats against your opponent, you should also be actively trying to control the center from the early opening in chess. Achieving strong control of the center will result in your opponent´s pieces feeling cramped and unable to achieve good outposts and squares, while you will always maintain the possibility of creating mobile pawns to push back your opponent´s pieces and create threats. Contr[…]
Essential Chess Tactics by GM Susan Polgar
Posted on September 25,2013 By William in All Articles w/ Videos, Beginner’s Corner. For beginner chess players, the most critical concept that yields the largest amount of improvement with the lowest amount of investment is working on chess tactics. If you never miss a chance to win a piece with a 2-3 move forced sequence, and on the flip side are always alert to what your opponent might be threatening – you will be winning countless free games. However, if your combinational awareness is not sharp enough, you are giving away ha[…]
The Secrets to Mastering the Chess Opening
Posted on September 23,2013 By William in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos. The opening is arguably the most important phase in the game. If you make mistakes in the opening and you are playing an attentive player, you can immediately concede a small, lasting advantage in the first moves! In the 21st century, chess has evolved greatly from 1800s and 1900s in that players must be much more universal to achieve success. In the following chess video excerpt from the chess DVD ¨Winning Chess Openings for Beginners¨ Grandmast[…]
Susan Polgar Chess Video – How to Create a Plan
Posted on September 19,2013 By William in All Articles w/ Videos, Beginner’s Corner. If you are a beginner chess player that wants to improve your game, you should take a look at your process for making plans throughout the game. If you can play the opening well and regularly achieve good positions in the early stage of the game only to find yourself unable to convert your initiative into a lasting advantage – maybe you are not able to transition effectively to the middlegame to make decisive plans? In the following chess video e[…] is a producer of thousands of free chess articles and free chess videos by FIDE chess masters. They recently released the renowned Empire Chess series that has been taking the chess world by storm. Please consider checking out their chess blog and chess shop with tons of free updated previews.