I was speaking to Carsten Hensel (manager of Kramnik and Leko) toward the end of the Svidler – Kramnik game. He told me that this was the biggest challenge for Kramnik in the event. Just as VanWely mentioned to Susan earlier, Carsten confirmed that 18.Nd2 was not expected. Kramnik had a very difficult game and he had to find an out on the board. Team Kramnik was happy to save this game.

Kramnik himself said that this was the first game he felt that he was in danger in the tournament so far. Svidler was very happy with the position he got but was not able to convert. He felt that if he did not repeat moves, he may have an inferior endgame.

They analyzed the game and both agreed that a draw was satisfactory for both sides. Svidler also said that he did not good results at all playing conservatively in the tournament. So his new strategy is to be a lot more agressive in the second half.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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