Saturday Endgame Challenge Chess tactic, Difficult endgame, Puzzle Solving White to move and win. How can White win? 8/6b1/R1Pk4/8/8/8/8/2K5 w – – 0 4 Roslov, 96 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Can white really win this?
I think:
1. c7 Kd7
2. Re6 Ba1 (there is no other place)
3. Kb1
1.c7 Kxc7 2.Ra7 1-0
1… Kd7 2.Rc6 1-0
1.c7+ Kd7 2.Re6!
black has no move with the bishop.
2…Ba1 3.Kb1 winning
3…Bc3 4.Rc6 or 3…Bg7 4.Re7+ etc.
1. c7 Kd7
2. Re6! (preventing Be5)
and now Rd7+ threatens
while 2.. Bd4 is met by 3. Rd6+
and 2.. Bc3 by 3.Rc6
1. c7 Kd7 ( 1 … Kxb7 2. Ra7+)
2. Re6! Kc8 (2. Ra8 Bh6+)
3. Re8+
Re6! win for white.
Re6! win for white.
c7! and Re6! win for white
c7 Kd7 Rc6 Kc8 Rc5 After Rc5 Black’s King is stuck on c8 and Black’s bishop can’t attack the pawn.
White’s king advances to c6 and then the rook checks on the eighth rank.
If Kxc7 instead of Kd7, then Ra7+ any Rxg7
1. c7! Kxc7?
2. Ra7+ and white wins the bishop
1. c7! Kd7
2. Ra8! Kxc7
3. Ra7+ and white wins the bishop
Yes. Easy.
yes, c6 kxc6? ra6+
1. c7+! Kxc7? 2. Ra7+ with a wining endgame
if white ignores that pawn trade, then and easy c8=Q will happen.
1. c7+! Kxc7? 2. Ra7+
1. …Kd7 2. Ra6
and a tricky endgame will appear…
1. c7+! Kxc7? 2. Ra7+!
1. …Kd7 2. Rc6 Kc8 (2. …Kxc6?
3.n c8=Q+)
1. c7+ Kd7 2. Rc6 Kc8 3. Rg6 Bf8 4. Rg8
1. c7 Kd7 2. Ra8 … if Kxc7 Ra7 and the bishop is lost.
How about this?
1. c7+ Kd7
(if Kxc7, 2. Ra7+ and 3. Rxg7)
2. Ra8
and then 3. c8 = Q
1. c7!