As many of blogger wrote here I think Qd1 is not good, because Rxe5 and there is no mate on h5! My opinion is Rxh5, and there is no way to come out from mate! 1, Rxh5 Kxh5 2, Qh8+ Kg6 – only 3, h5#
Anonymous said… As many of blogger wrote here I think Qd1 is not good, because Rxe5 and there is no mate on h5! My opinion is Rxh5, and there is no way to come out from mate! 1, Rxh5 Kxh5 2, Qh8+ Kg6 – only 3, h5#
first, after Rxe5 you just recapture with the pawn and mate is unavioidable.
2nd, if 2. Kh8+ Kg4! and the king is completely safe
Qd1! +-
The only thing I can see is Qd1. Threat: Qxh5#. The king can’t move and neither of the other pieces can protect that pawn. Is there anything better?
Qd1 looks good …
1.Qd1 followed by Qh5#
1. Qd6+ 1-0
1. Qd1 Rxe5
2. fxe5
Now Qh5# is inevitable
At first, I considered Rxh5 (the rook cannot be captured, as this leads to mate, but black can secure the win by playing Qe8 instead).
Then it occurred to me that black has no plausible reply to 1- Qd1, threatening mate on h5.
Qd1 and Qh5 mate
How about 1. Qd1!
Don’t see a win after 1Qd6 Re6 or …Qe6;
but, 1Qd1 seems unanswerable.
1. Qd1!
Qd1 & I can’t see a defense to
Qxh5 mate
1.Qd1! and Black has no move to prevent a mate.
1. Qd1, then 2. Qh5
No matter what black does I don’t think he can stop it
1. Qd1! and black can’t defend h5.
1. … Rxe5
2. fe a1(Q)
3. Qxh5#
1.Qd1 looks like the only move, with no answer to 2.Qxh5#. Phil
1. Rxh5
I’d say 1.Qd1 should do the trick.Black cannot prevent 2.Qxh5 mate.
Rook takes the pawn has some funny lines.
Qd1 +-
Qa8 with the idea Qg2. If Rb7 Qa6
1.Qd1 wins (idea Qh5)
Probably nobody has seen this yet, but how about Qd1?
As many of blogger wrote here I think Qd1 is not good, because Rxe5 and there is no mate on h5!
My opinion is Rxh5, and there is no way to come out from mate!
1, Rxh5 Kxh5
2, Qh8+ Kg6 – only
3, h5#
Best from Hungary
Anonymous said…
As many of blogger wrote here I think Qd1 is not good, because Rxe5 and there is no mate on h5!
My opinion is Rxh5, and there is no way to come out from mate!
1, Rxh5 Kxh5
2, Qh8+ Kg6 – only
3, h5#
first, after Rxe5 you just recapture with the pawn and mate is unavioidable.
2nd, if 2. Kh8+ Kg4! and the king is completely safe
1. Qd1 Re5
2. fe5 wins
sehr guter Beitrag