Rules and regulations can be found here. Additional important information can be found here.
Here is just the third preliminary list of the confirmed qualifiers. If you qualified but did not confirm or if you confirmed but your name is not on this list, please contact me ( or Mr. Dewain Barber ( as soon as possible.
If you know of qualifiers from states which have no representatives listed, please ask them to contact us as soon as possible.
State – (C)onfirmed – Name
D.C. ——————-
Georgia C Ananya Roy
Virginia C Yang Dai
Special Invitation C Isabel James (DC)
Special Invitation C Claudia Munoz (TX)
Special Invitation C Brianna Conley (OH)
Special Invitation C Angel Bohannon (TX)
Special Invitation C Nicole Spencer (NC)
Special Invitation C Georgia Olvera (TX)
Special Invitation C Sarah Garza (TX)
Special Invitation C Emily N. Patterson (ID)
Special Invitation C Katie Abderhalden (ID)
AZ SPNOGirls C Diamond Abdus-Shakoor (OH)
AZ SPNOGirls C Kristen Sarna (TX)
AZ SPNOGirls C Aiya Cancio (AZ)
AZ SPNOGirls C Rebekah Liu (CA)
All Star Team C Epiphany Peters (MI)
Will any of the top board games be viewable online from Mon Roi?
I counted 60. Do you math 🙂