Q & P endgame Puzzle Solving, Q and P endgame Black to move. How should Black proceed? Source: ChesToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1…Qe6+! and it’s a stalemate. 🙂
Qe6+ gains a draw via stalemate.
1. … Qe6+
2. QxQ stalemate
There is really no other choice for black. 1. … Qc8+ 2. Qf8+ QxQ 3. KxQ and white wins.
Any other move by black, and white plays Qf8+
1. … Qe6+!
2. Qxe6 draw
Qe6+ QxQ and stalemate…
1. Qc8+, Qf8
2. Qxf8, Kxf8
3. Kh7 1-0
Qe6 secure a draw..stalemate
1.. Qe6+
2. Qxe6 stalemate
1…Qe6 1/2:1/2
Qe5 Qxe5(satlmate)
1. Qe6+ Kf8 (1…Q:e6=) 2. Qg8+ Ke7 (2…K:g8=) flushes the white K out into the open, where one would presume that a perpetual or capture of the a-pawn would be possible.