This article is a summary for the matching interactive chessboard and much more information please visit the original Paul Morphy vs The Consultants article on William’s site.

In today’s beginner series we are going to cover the 3 basic principles of the opening using an example of one of the most famous chess games ever played. Before you even start thinking about memorizing specific openings you should always have these 3 principles in mind:

  1. Control the center – Controlling the center is absolutely vital because it is the “crossroads” of the board. It is very hard to advance on an opponents position when they have a strong control of the center.
  2. Develop your pieces – Every move should be moving your pieces out of the 8th rank as quickly as possible while also controlling the center as well.
  3. Protect your king – As you will see in the following game, the consultants lost due to not being able to properly protect their King due to multiple pins. Always develop and try to control the center but do not do so with risk of putting your king in peril.

With these principles in mind I now present to you Paul Morphy Vs. The Consultants, a game (supposedly) played in 1858 in a Paris theatre between Paul Morphy and a group of 2 relatively experienced amateurs. The game showcases how control of the center and quick attack and development led to an easy win for Morphy. It also showcases brilliant piece sacrifices for control of the center, showing once again that chess isn’t always about material.

This article is a summary for the matching interactive chessboard and much more information please visit the original Paul Morphy vs The Consultants article on William’s site.

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William Stewart is a National Master. He is an Online Chess Teacher and maintains a daily updated Chess Blog

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