Chess tournament bans cleavage; two-button limit due to crude comments from spectators

Rules for European Women’s Championship in Turkey include clean clothes, no b.o., no flip-flops
By Lindsay Goldwert / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Monday, March 12, 2012, 11:07 AM

Women who wear low-cut blouses to compete in chess tournaments are being put in check.

New rules dictate that female players in the European Women’s Championship in Turkey cannot reveal “décolletés,” or cleavage.

Sava Stoisavljevic, the female European Chess Union General Secretary, told Chessbase News that the change in dress code was due to female players’ appearance causing a ruckus in the peanut gallery.

“I heard many comments from spectators and coaches,” Stoisavljevic said.

Players can keep two buttons on their tops open, but no more. Skirts must be no shorter than 10 centimeters (3.9 inches) above the knee.

Stoisavljevic didn’t seem to mind that the female players dressed in skimpy garments.

“It’s nice to see chess players with short skirts — they are very pretty girls. But I believe there should still be some limit.”

The general secretary said that the rules were being put in place because some women weren’t dressing properly.

The rules, which apply to both men and women, demand that players wear clean clothing that does not show excessive wear or holes.

Players must not have body odor.

Sunglasses may be worn during play; hats, with the exception of religious head garb, may not. Flip-flops are banned.

“This category of appearance demands a pulled-together, harmonious, complete look with colors, fabrics, shoes and accessories, for both men and women,” according to the rules.

While the chess tournament organizers want to level the playing field by making sure all players dress appropriately, advertising for the women’s competition puts the accent on glamour and beauty.

In the banner for the European Women’s Individual Chess Championship, the word “Women’s” is written in what appears to be lip color.

There’s also an icon of a castle chess piece topped with a red lipstick.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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