The Dzindzi Indian with 6. e4!? fxe4 7.f3 e5!? and 8.dxe6
Posted on April 16, 2012 by GM Ron W Henley in All Articles w/ Videos, Chess Openings, Strategy & Game Review
In the previous video in this series I discussed one of the more dangerous lines white can employ against the Dzindzi Indian, utilizing a rapid pawn sacrifice with 6. e4!? to exploit black’s temporary difficulty in developing. In that video, I recommended for black to take with 6. …fxe4 however ignore the pawn sacrifice 7. f3 and instead focus on development and activity in the center with 7. …e5! – opening up threats with black’s […]
Pawns Adventures Episode 5: Macedonian Phalanx
Posted on April 13, 2012 by iPlayooChess in Beginner’s Corner, General Chess Articles, Strategy & Game Review
“I have never seen anything more terrible and dreadful than a Macedonian phalanx!” — Aemilius Paullus, Roman general Understanding Pawn Play in Chess: Pawn Duo Two very important concepts of the pawn play, the ram and the lever, have been already covered in the Episode 3. The lever normally serves the attacking side by creating tension and possible lines opening for piece activity to follow. The ram typically serves the defender as it means immobility […]
Bobby Fischer vs Garry Kasparov – The Sicilian Najdorf: 6. Bc4 – The Fischer-Sozin Attack
Posted on April 12, 2012 by William in All Articles w/ Videos, Chess Openings, Strategy & Game Review
The Sicilian Najdorf is one of the sharpest openings in chess, demanding incredible energy and resourcefulness from both sides to maintain the balance in strongly double-edged positions. The Fischer-Sozin Attack with 6. Bc4 is well known as one of the most complicated lines in the Najdorf, as white immediately declares his aggressive intentions of controlling the critical d5 square and increasing the pressure on the a2-g8 diagonal. The line was originally patented in the early […]

William Stewart is a National Master. He specializes in Chess Coaching and maintains a daily updated Chess Blog
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