The strong knight f6 forces mate, together with the rook: 1. Qxh8+ Kxh8 2. Rh1+ Kg7 3. Rh7+ Kf8 4. Rh8+ All black moves are forced so far. Now Black only has the choice where to be mated: 4. … Kg7 5. Rg8# or 4. … Ke7 5. Re8#
More than one road leads to Rome (and to home) here, and I found probably the longest road first. 1. Ne8+ Rxe8 2. f6+ Bxf6 3. gxf6+ Kxf6 (3. … Kf8 4. Qh8#) 4. Qg5+ Ke6 5. Bg4+ f5 6. Bxf5+ Kf7 7. Qg7#. But then I saw the much quicker, more efficient mate. 1. Qxh8+ Kxh8 2. Rh1+ Kg7 3. Rh7+ Kf8 4. Rh8+ Ke7 (4. .. Kg7 5. Rg8#) 5. Re8# Actually, I think I prefer the long solution. 🙂
1. Qh8+ Kh8
2. Rh1+ Kg7
3. Rh7+ Kf8
4. Rh8+ Ke7 (resp. Kg7)
5. Re8# (resp. Rg8#)
1.Qxh8+ Kxh8
2.Rh1+ Kg7
3.Rh7+ Kf8
4.Rh8+ Kg7
[if 4..Ke7 5.Re8#]
Not all mates in 5 are this easy:
1. Qh8 Kh8
2. Rh1 Kd7
3. Rh7 Kf8
4. Rh8 Ke7
5. Re8#
1. Qxh8, Kxh8
2. Rh1, Kg7
3. Rh7, Kf8
4. Rh8, if Ke7 Re8, if Kg7 Rg8 both with mate.
The strong knight f6 forces mate, together with the rook:
1. Qxh8+ Kxh8
2. Rh1+ Kg7
3. Rh7+ Kf8
4. Rh8+ All black moves are forced so far. Now Black only has the choice where to be mated:
4. … Kg7
5. Rg8# or
4. … Ke7
5. Re8#
1. Qxh8+ Kxh8
2. Rh1+ Kg7
3. Rh7+ Kf8
4. Rh8+ Ke/g7
5. Re/g8#
More than one road leads to Rome (and to home) here, and I found probably the longest road first.
1. Ne8+ Rxe8 2. f6+ Bxf6 3. gxf6+ Kxf6 (3. … Kf8 4. Qh8#) 4. Qg5+ Ke6 5. Bg4+ f5 6. Bxf5+ Kf7 7. Qg7#.
But then I saw the much quicker, more efficient mate.
1. Qxh8+ Kxh8
2. Rh1+ Kg7
3. Rh7+ Kf8
4. Rh8+ Ke7
(4. .. Kg7 5. Rg8#)
5. Re8#
Actually, I think I prefer the long solution. 🙂
I can’t find it.
1.Ne8+ Kf8 [1…Rxe8 2.Qh6 followed by 3. f6, 4.Qg7#] 2.Qxh8 Ke7 3.f6 Kd7 4.Bg4#
Write can draw after 1)Ne8+! ,because
a)1… Rxe8 2)Rh1 +-
b)1… Kf8 2)Qxh8+ Ke7 3)g6+ Ke6 4)Bg6++
Then black need to play Kg8 and Nf6+ leads to draw
Let’s first try the spectacular.
1. QxR+ KxQ
2. Rh1+ Kg7
3. Rh7+ Kf8
4. Rh8+ Ke7 (if Kg7, Rg8#)
5. Re8#
1Qxh8+ Kxh8
2Rh1+ Kg7
3Rh7+ Kf8
4Rh8+ Ke7
(4…. Kg7 5Rg8#)
1Qxr R&N combination delivers mate.
Its mate!
1.Qxh8+ Kxh8 2.Rh1+ Kg7 3.Rh7+ Kf8 4.Rh8+ and now, twin mate: if a) 4…Kg7 5.Rg8 mate, and if b) 4…Ke7 5.Re8 mate.
Simple Qh8+ mate is with R with support of N.
1. Qh8+ Kh8
2. Rh1+ Kg7
3. Rh7+ Kf8
4. Rh8+ Kg7 ( If 4…. Ke7 5. Re8 check mate).
5. Rf8+ mate.
White WINS!
1. Qxh8+ Kxh8
2. Rh1+ Kg7
3. Rh7+ Kf8
4. Rh8+ Ke7 (Kg7)
5. Re8# (Rg8#)