Orignal Article on this Soviet Chess Classic Game – Mark Taimanov Vs Artur Yusupov available on William’s site.

Mark Taimanov Vs Artur Yusupov: 1982 game played in the USSR – Taimanov opens with d4 and Yusupov attempts to play the Benoni Defense with 1. …Nf6 and 2. …c5, however Taimanov responds with 3. Nf3 so Yusupov transposes the opening into a Hedgehog Defense with 3. …cxd4 and 4. …b6. Taimanov employs a Maroczy Bind type set-up with white, attempting to gain space and restrict black’s pieces in the center, however after carefuly maneuvering Yusupov is able to creatively transfer the weight of the struggle to the kingside. Taimanov defends too passively and allows Yusupov to optimally build the pressure in the center and on the kingside. Yusupov continues to grind Taimanov down until the final mating combination – resulting in Taimanov’s resignation after 42. …Qxh2+.

Chess Video – Mark Tiamanov vs Artur Yusupov 1982

Orignal Article on this Soviet Chess Classic Game – Mark Taimanov Vs Artur Yusupov available on William’s site.

El mismo articulo en español con el video en español disponible aquí

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