Make your own caption! Breaking News Create your own clever caption! 🙂 Keep it clean please! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
…and you get 6 different knights with every chess set you order.
“OK fellow knights, you distract her, and I’ll grab the chess set.”
Vote for me.
I have plenty of support from well positioned Knights
Susan and 6 other board members 🙂
“We are the keepers of the secret words: Ni… Ping, and nooooooo-fashion-sense.”
“You want me to get you a shrubbery?” “Ha! We ARE a shrubbery!”
(Susan, who probably knows no Monty Python, is doubtless scratching her head at this. Wait until she finds out about the Hungarian Phrasebook Sketch.)
They shoot horses don’t they ?
Alright gals, so how’s YOUR lovelife?
Susan Polgar Endorse the mutched acclained cult of the “Knights Errant”
PRESENTING: Susan Polgar’s new brand of clothesline!
*Free chess sets!!(while stocks last)
“Excuse us, madame, but is this the Knight’s Tour?”
Today’s lecture will be on the Four Knights’ Opening. I brought along a couple of extra Knights just in case.
And Ms Polgar opened up Pandora’s box and out came the Knights…including some extras.
“Announcing the Village People Chess Set!”
“My new DVD is on the powerful Six Knights Gsme!”
The advertisement of a chess variant with six knights by Susan Polgar
Knights of the “square” table.
The chess fairy with her magic box of wonders.
Do you want my box boys?!