Learn the Endgame the Easy Way 2

Volume 9 (This is recommended for advanced beginners, intermediate, and young scholastic players)

Essential Basic Endgames lessons Part 2 (90 Minutes)

This DVD covers all the Essential Rook endgames including:

1. Rook versus 1 Pawn
2. Rook versus 2 connected Pawns
3. Rook versus Bishop and Knight
4. The Philidor and Lucena position
5. Multi-pawn Endgames
6. Rook and Bishop versus a Rook
7. Rook versus 1 Pawn, 2 Pawns, 1 Bishop
8. Rook and Pawn versus 1 Rook

I also cover Bishop Endgames, Knight Endgames, Bishop vs. Knight Endgames, Queen Endgames and a lot more!!!

Click here for more information.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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