Karpov tried to visit Kasparov in jail but he was stopped by the police. Here is the story that was sent to me by Dr. Mikhail Korenman.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Karpov tried to visit Kasparov in jail but he was stopped by the police. Here is the story that was sent to me by Dr. Mikhail Korenman.
Of course they stopped Karpov. Kasparov requested for Kosteniuk, not Karpov. They got the wrong K.
No freedom in Russia, obviously.
How Karpov wanted to visit Kasparov- I thought that there had been animosity between the two in the past?
Are they friends now? After all their history?
i wonder whether Kasparov would have been glad to see him 🙂
prev anon
there is no such thing as “freedom”.
Now Putin, the dictator, fears Karpov also. Why did Karpov try to visit Kasparov? It should be obvious, he supports the return of democracy and freedom to Russia. Why was he denied a visit? The better to punish Kasparov for daring to oppose the dictator. This way Kasparov can be more easily isolated and threatened. The more Putin cracks down of the slightest bit of protest the more others will see Putin for what he really is.
no freedom in russia … that’s so sooooooooooo !!!
where in this world do you think that you can receive a visit when you just got arrested and put in jail ???
in guantanamo maybe ?!??!?!?
or in UF Florida ???? where you get taze for asking a simple question to a senator …
and you know what, i’m not russian …
In America, Bush will retire after his term expires and someone else will lead the United States. Where will Putin be when his term is up? Still in power and leader by another name.
The filth that exits and called “human” in Guantanomo are murdering terrorists. It’s unfortunate that the world has to keep have such hate-filled humans that have to be locked up or think of the many innoncents they would murder!
Guantanomao is an unfortunate necessity in a world filled with Islamic hate-filled murderers. and, it’s not just the U.S….the Israelis have had to live with these murdering brain washed things for decades.
The Filth being detained in Guantanomo are there becaue they would kill and murder if released. It matters not whether an idiot on this blog thinks otherwise.
Did you lose wife and child due to the murdering ideas of the freaks in Guantanomo that are being treated far more humanely than they would treat you?
When you lose a family…an entire family from a murdering mentality implanted in the filth that the U.S. allows to live in Guantanomo when they don’t deserve the air they breathe…then you would think differently.
If you love them so much, go live with them in Gitmo. They are murderers.. and if they didn’t do it personally, then they advocate the hateful mentality that encourages others.
I lost a wife and child and those in Gitmo are alive…what do I have? When you lose a pregnant wife and a two year old child from a murdering ideology….you would be waving the flag of the U.S. thanking them for keepin the murdering thugs in Gitmo.
At least there they pose no danger. Yet, those that never felt the sting of loss have feel sorry for people that would just as quickly kill you as breathe their next breathe.
I hope you never feel the pain of loss that I have. You go live with you loved ones in Gitmo. They have life….you dare speak filthy words against the U.S.
At least they will stand up for what is right. what is the EU doing but kissing the backside Iran and terror groups for money.
Say what you will…but it is nonsense. You never lived the loss and pain that the murderers in Gitmo have caused.
When you do, and you still defend that defiled aspect of humanity…then you have a right to speak. Otherwise, shut up and if you want to hate the U.S. find a better reason.
You are the disgrace. the U.S. are the heroes. But, hey…you’re free to go live with your “brothers” at Gitmo. Go ahead.
but, until you lose what I lost you should shut your mouth and think of those that sufferef due to: a) the direct acts of those detained at Gitmo or b) those that suffered from the hateful, murdering ideology those at Gitmo advocate.
When you lose your family and can still defend them at Gitmo…then I can respect you for your beliefs. Otherwise, you’re just another stupid person that believes everything CNN says and the rest of the media.
If you hate the U.S. so much, and care so much for the “detainees,” then just go to cuba and live with them. I’m sure there is an extra cell for a big mouth blow hard that hides behind the media and never lost anyone to those murdering people…
You are the pathetic one. And, join them if you love them so much.
You are vile. Go live with the filth there at gitmo…your beloved “brothers”. Hate the U.S. for doing what must be done.
My Russian isn’t the best, but it looks like it says that Karpov was caught trying to smuggle Kasparov a cake with a pawn baked into it.
>> that Karpov was caught trying to smuggle Kasparov a cake with a pawn baked into it.
maybe Kaspy planned to promote it to a queen in his cell
By visiting Kasparov in jail Karpov has made his best move…. in his etire life.
By visiting Kasparov in jail Karpov has made his best move…. in his etire life.
agree with you!!!
Does anyone not have the bravery to answer the cowardly “anon” of 11:48am 27/11/2007?
Is the world blind? Are the readiers of this blog blind? How can you stand stupidity of this magnidtude and not answer it?????
This retard wants to throw insult and say things about Gitmo when “it” has lost no family?????
Please people!!!!! either erase such stupid messages such as “it’s” and my own or answer.
who is right???? The murderers in Gitmo (he began this topic by insulting the U.S. and I have never even been to the U.S but know they are good….for locking up the murderers.
Cowards. Allow such stupidity to go unanswerd.
It is a shame. Ignorance is of an infininte level to many that read this blog. It should remain to chess topics but when such a blatent supporter of murderers posts a defesne for them….do you not have the backbone to say a word???
Idiots such as that “anon” are a disgrace to humanity. Let “it” lose their family from a Gitmo “detainee” and see if “it” will still defend the what some consider “human.”
Gitmo “detainees” must not be human or they would not murder as they do or, for those that didn’t directly play a part, still supprt the absurd murderours Islamic culture, ideas, and religion.
What a pathetic excuse for humanity was this “anon”. Say what you will…I will never even check for replies to my posts…so hate me if you will..
I’ll never know.
The U.S.A., and I was born in Europe, is the greatest country in the world. At least they will stand against murdering filth such as is “detained” in gitmo.
And it show up on a chess blog.
Strange…my two year old child will never have the chance to learn chess due to the hatred of those at Gitmo and those who support them.
I’m a European that is so ashamed of Europe. We are all cowards. We will not stand against murdering terrorists. Only the U.S. and Britain will.
God bless them both. Europe wouldn’t be what it is today without he U.S.A. and Britain…
To the Germans reading….you defend the very Islamic terrorists that made WWII possible. I’ve always respected the brave Americans that died on D-Day more than the Nazi Germans.
And Europe dare defend the gitmo murderers????
I’m ashamed to be european. I wish I’d never been born in Germany. History proves that Europe is nothing compared to the U.S.
Thankfully, by the end of the year I will be a U.S. citizen and I happily leave Europe…cowards…to live in the U.S.A. At ;east America will detain murderers and treat them humanely when, if given the power, would kill every European….
History will prove the U.S.A. is correct and right and greater than the Hitler, Stalin, producing nations of my continent.
Europe is a sad place to live and anyone that is stupid enought to be “proud” of it is an idiot.
The future is with the United States of America. Some of us might not like it but it is true.
I’m happy to no longer be an “EU” citizen. I’m now proud to be an American. At least they can try to keep murdering Islamic terrorist off the streets.
“proud” anon 2:22:00 PM
you are yet another evidence that US immigration system is a disaster. LOL
Actually, anon of 2:22, I was just posting a note placing my views between those “Anon of 11:48” and “anon of 12:46”.
Regarding 11:48’s note, I have to note that one can, indeed, visit prisoners in US Jails, excepting offshore military Jails. In fact, there are organizations (most religous) who make it a point to befriend, and aid even the most violent prisoners, and make regular visits. While not as liberal as Scandanavia, the civilian prison system in the U.S. is exceedingly concerned with the rights of those incarcerated. (Though over-crowding and violence are not uncommon problems.)
However, in answer to 12:46’s comment, it should be noted that many, many of the prisoners that have been held in Guantanamo and US “Black Sites” have not been “Islamic Radicals” and have nothing to do with terrorism.
In fact, a large percentage of the prisoners at Guantanamo have, over time, been released (after a long incarceration, mind you) as there was no evidence to suggest that they were anything but folks caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Many prisoners were turned in by families looking to cash in on a vendetta or feud, a few others were Journalists (one British even) simply in the area, still others were rounded up entirely without cause in the process of home searches. Why do we know this? Because of those that have been subsequently released.
Another problem with the situation at Gitmo is that prisoners have almost no ability to challenge their imprisonment. So, even if they are completely innocent, we have no way of effectively determining this. No system is perfect.
Suffering, by the way, does not give one the liberty to act any way we choose.
Regarding 11:48’s comment about that kid getting “tazed for asking a Senator a question:” I think this is misrepresenting the event. I’ve yet to find the full video, but, from what I saw a day or so after the event (it was shown in full on a local cable show) the kid really had it coming. He was behaving extremely erratically and had been warned by the police an number of times to calm down. It was important to note that it was not known at the time whether or not the kid posed any danger to the senator or other audience members. Kerry, to his credit, was pretty non-plussed about the kid, and had almost nothing to do with the Tazing. If I find the full video on Youtube (there are edited versions which don’t give the full context) I’ll post it. I think most people, seeing the whole thing, would understand why the cop acted as he did. Perhaps the might not agree with the method of subduing him.
Even so, this sort of thing is far from the norm.
Of far greater concern are “staged” political events for invited supporters. In recent years it has become commonplace for president Bush to hold “public” meetings which are, in fact, large gatherings of demonstrably loyal supporters. There are many documented cases of people wearing “no war” buttons, holding up signs with anti-Bush messages on them, or simply not acting supportive enough being kept away from a given event or being removed from an event, even when NOT acting erratically.
So, yes, there is a tiny bit of a “police state” here in the USA- however, it is far from the situation in Russia. In the US, pretty much anyone can stage a protest or public gathering- even those, like Nazis, who express the most vile of opinions- if they don’t block traffic and warn the populace ahead of time. Living close to our local statehouse, I’ve attended or gazed upon anti-war, pro-war, gay rights, gun rights, anti-death penalty, pro-death penalty, KKK, homeless rights, civil-rights, Corporate divestiture pleas, animal rights, and other protests in my hometown and all over the US, and have never witnessed any real restrictions on free speech. That’s not to say that flare-ups don’t occur, they do, but they are far from the norm. Moreover, when free speech is restricted, it becomes a very big, and public issue.
Brad Hoehne
Okay, I found the “tazing” video. Reviewing it, I’ve changed my mind a bit, and I can see that the police went over the line a bit. However the irony is that the guy was actually supporting Kerry, by and large, the police moved in when he began getting long winded. I can imagine that a large number of people had already waited in line, and were still waiting and this guy was taking up a lot of time. One of the cops appears to suggest that he wrap it up, he reacts, and they OVER-react, leading him to go into a melodramatic over-reaction. The tazing was probably unwarranted, but the guy acts like he was looking to cause a scene.
Brad Hoehne
There were (and doubtless still are) innocent people held at Guantanamo:
Anon 12:46 PM, Nov 27
I have not lost anybody to these evil people, but I empathise with you completely.
If proved guilty, these vile people should have done to them what they did to others. They should suffer. An immediate hangman’s noose is far too kind.
I believe very few of those people there are not guilty of some crime or other (or an intended one) even if it not the one they are there for.
It is far too dangerous to let them loose.
If after due process, they are found to be innocent, they can be given compensation.
The western justice systems are far far too kind to convicted criminals.
They should suffer in kind for what they do. If they knew this was what was going to happen to them, they would be far less inclined to do their actions.
It is absolutely ridiculous the amount of help and consideration given to the criminals, while none is given to the victims. The law should be on the side of the majority, not these vile lowlife.
The only way to reduce crime is to punish it properly.
1. i was making a point about prison / visits in prison just after being arrested
where did you see in my lines that i protect the guantanamo prisonners ?????
we could talk about these things if you really want but that is no the point here …
2. concerning the tazing , glad you watched the video twice … what i have to say about it : he is a STUDENT , we are in a CONFERENCE in a UNIVERSITY, he is a little bit agitated ( but don’t forget that he is about to ask a question to senator kerry for who he apparently voted , so asking a question to someone he admires – he is a kid, he is very impressed , here for the psychological aspect of his behaviour ) … but hey, FREEDOM OF SPEECH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! he didn’t insult anyone, he even said THANK YOU SENATOR ,
to my point of view, it is outragous, nothing less nothing more that a student is tazed for asking a simple question …
so, for mister FREEDOM LEADS THE WORLD, i repeat my first message
i doubt that you can VISIT a friend in PRISON just after he was arrested, wherever you live on this planet
unless of course if you are his lawyer …
And, specifically, this dialogue has what to do with CHESS??? So, Karpov tried to visit Kasparov. That is a good thing. He doesn’t agree with Kasparov’s politics but I’m sure they both have great respect for each other. I never thought they “hated” each other.
But, all this Gitmo talk…tazers….what in the world does this have to do with Chess?? I recommend you folks take your politics to a political forum and fight it out there. Let this blog be about chess. Last time I looked, it is a chess blog not a forum to advocate personal political ideas.
Susan asked us to post a comment on:
“Karpov was stopped from visiting Kasparov in jail”
That is not about chess, but something far more important. There frequently are topics on this blog that are not about chess, this makes it more interesting. You are not the moderator, so I suggest that you keep your comments about what can be said here to yourself.
Graeme said…
My Russian isn’t the best, but it looks like it says that Karpov was caught trying to smuggle Kasparov a cake with a pawn baked into it.
ALSO, I hear he REFUSED to eat the cake for fear that they slipped him a POISONED PAWN! *ARRRGGH!*