Vishy joins a rare league
10/30/2008 11:58:56 AM

Anand with this great win, has joined a rare league of chess champions. Here’s a look at the elite list of Chess wizards in whose company the Indian Grandmaster now finds himself.

The world of 64 squares could just be highly insipid to a common man. Outsmarting Vladimir Kramnik in the Battle of Bonn, Vishy Anand has now joined the league of extraordinary gentlemen.

A highly eccentric American made news beyond the blocks. Bobby Fischer’s controlled madness was a rage of the seventies.

Ironically, a Russian was to follow suit. Anatoly Karpov was calculated, studious and just about perfect picture for the champion.

So, the world of chess revealed that madness was not a flash in the pan.

In came another Russian who pioneered the sport in the modern era. Gary Kasparov was sharp, witty and eccentric like no other, a little Fischer was hidden in him too.

So we weren’t surprised when the world of chess welcomed a man from the land, where the game originated thousand years back.

Vishy got better off his Russian challenger, clinched the world crown second time in a row, and became the undisputed king of chess of the 21st century.


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