By Augusto Caruso – Martha Fierro (Accademia Internazionale di Scacchi )
Pictures by Martha Fierro
Vassily Ivanchuk is unrecognizable! His will to fight is gone and his opponents have realized it.
After his the games he lost against Nakamura, Giri and Vitiugov, he loses without playing versus Fabiano Caruana, the last moves of the great Ukrainian champion symbolize his personal drama. Great Fabiano who won twice with black against his strong opponents (previously he had won always with black against Morozevich).
Now the Italian player has 11 points, Giri has 12, Morozevich passes over with 14 points and Nakamura leads with 15.
In the head to head game the American player lost facing the Russian an exciting French game. Morozevich accepted white’s pawn sacrifice, then he took even the central one on e5 and after that he safely finished the game with a huge advantage.
Anish Giri took advantage of Nakamura’s lost and started the race for the podium and of course for winning Reggio Emilia’s tournament. In the match against Vitiugov, the Dutch player first sacrificed a pawn then the exchange, but the compensation was enormous and giving- back the material didn’t save black. Indeed black King’s exposed position assured a decisive advantage.
In the women tournament Maria De Rosa blunder against Videnova and had to give up immediately.
Marianna Chierici showed once again her strength and playing against the leader had clear advantage after a very creative middle-game play but unfortunately wasn’t able to get the full point due to her time pressure.
Marina Brunello held on a critical position, which at some point was losing in one move ! but after got a precious draw, by which she can fight to get the top places in the tournament.
Ivanchuk is having “One of those Tournaments” It’s something he does once in a while. Brilliant as he is..sometimes just nothing comes together. Ihappen to know how this feels..working in the arts. Sometimes evrything is “Golden” and sometimes everything “sucks” It’s part of his creative process. He’ll probably never be able to be consistent enough to be a WCC but when he peaks..he’s certainly among the best…if not THE best when he’s on form. I can certainly emphasise with him because I go through the same Highs and lows. Sometimes everything I do is perfect..and sometimes I can’t do anything right. I certainly understand this place. He’s just having a down time. Cut him some slack I don’t know any player on the planet who takes him lightly.
low..he’ll be back.