Interview with GM Surya Ganguly
In this interview with GM Surya Ganguly, he shares his experiences working with Viswanathan Anand. According to him, being with Anand changed his attitude completely, also it raised his confidence level to great heights. He talks about Anand – Topalov match, his daily routine, his father who is a famous astrologer and in the, tactfully deals with the question on his marriage plans. Interesting interview with pictures and games.
GM Surya Ganguly :-
Thanks a lot! The tournament, as expected was quite tough with 40 Grandmasters participating in it. Since it was a qualifying tournament for World Cup this made the tournament even stronger. I had a long training session before Asian and decided to skip many tournaments for this. I did few training session with IM Atanu Lahiri and GM Sandipan Chanda. These trainings were immensely helpful. Apart from this I was also doing serious physical training under proper guidance which paid me the dividend.
LatestChess :- You got the opportunity to work with Anand and watch his games during Anand-Kramnik match, it must be an amazing experience to see how champions play and prepare. Could you please share your experiences with our readers? How did he approach you?
GM Surya Ganguly :- I think this was one of the biggest turning points of my chess career. Apart from being a legendary chess player, with an incredible intelligence and phenomenal memory, he is very good human being. Talking to him always feels like own elder brother who helps out in every possible way. The same goes with Aruna who is also extremely caring. I have learnt a lot of things being with them. Anand is on top of the world not only because of his rare talent but also due to his strict discipline and utmost dedication. He is always motivated to keep on improving his chess.
Here is the full interview.
Congrats GM Ganguly.