After three editions held in Portuguese capital Lisbon, the National Masters and Honor Tournaments returned north, taking place in Matosinhos on June 7-13th, 2015. Both events were played in a 10-player single round-robin format.
The 2010/2011 champion IM Jorge Ferreira scored 6,5/9 points in the Master Section to take the trophy for second time.
He was followed by FM Luis Silva, CM Bruno Gomes and Andre V Sousa after the whole group finished the event on 6 points each.
According to the rules of the competition, Ferreira and Silva qualified for the finals of the Absolute National Championship later on this year.
The first place in the Honor Tournament was shared in a three-way tie by Lucas Silva, Carlos Novais and Hugo Sousa on 7/9 points each. However, Silva prevailed on a superior tie-break score to take the gold, while Novais remained second.
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