How do you describe chess? Here is one version of chess description. Special thanks to Ingvar Lind from Göteborg, Sweden for sending it in.

Chess is a game played with small figurines in dark cellars by people who were rejected by their school’s other clubs.

Chess history:

Chess is an ancient game of strategy, horses, castles, bishops and pawns. Not to be confused with Checkers, a game known for being much less fun than Chess. The game was a popular pastime for centuries among prisoners, each of whom sought to topple their king the fastest. However, the game was barely known among the middle and upper classes before Bobby Fischer‘s singlehanded efforts to popularize the game in the mid-20th century, climaxing in 1972 when he convinced Boris Spassky to make chess the official game of Russia despite fierce opposition from covert and well-funded Jewish lobbyists.

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