Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan has returned to Amsterdam for an extended hiatus, but he will return to the Chess Club on November 20. While he is away, two GMs who have extensive knowledge of Saint Louis and the Chess Club will fill in in his absence.
From October 16 through October 22, and then again from October 30 through November 8, GM Varuzhan Akobian will serve as the CCSCSL’s Acting Resident Grandmaster.
GM Alejandro Ramirez, who will be in town competing in the SPICE Cup, will fill in October 21 through October 28.
Rotating Resident GM Schedule
GM Varuzhan Akobian: October 16-22 and October 30-November 8
GM Alejandro Ramirez: October 21-28
GM Yasser Seirawan: November 20-December 20
Akobian has participated in all four of the U.S. Championships that were held at the CCSCSL and has been back numerous times for lectures and other special events.
GM Alejandro Ramirez previously has filled in as Acting Resident Grandmaster and has played in major tournaments at the Chess Club including the 2012 U.S. Championship. He has also serves as a Grandmaster instructor for the Chess Club’s Summer Camp program.
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