14-Year-Old Removed From High School Football Team … Because She’s a Girl
Posted Aug 31st 2008 1:30PM
by Will Brinson (author feed)
Filed under: Women’s Sports, Youth Sports By NHL

If you are going to discriminate against someone, and I’m not advocating that you do, mind you, you should probably lie about it. Sure, that’s compounding evils, but at least you’re not going to get fired and then summarily sued for sexual discrimination.

Which is what will probably happen to Hank St. Denis, executive board chairman of the Georgia Football League, after he kicked Kacy Stuart off of the New Creation Center football team in McDonough, Georgia. Because she’s female.

The 14-year-old high school freshman from Spalding County learned Thursday night – while team pictures were being shot – that she was being booted off the field. But her mother said she isn’t going down without a fight.

“We’ll file for an injunction if we have to,” Angie Stuart said Friday. “We’ll do whatever it takes to keep her on the team.”

[…] St. Denis overruled New Creation’s decision to let her join the team.

“He said she can’t play simply because she’s a girl,” Stuart said.

When she heard the decision, Kacy cried.

And it gets more awkward because it’s not like she lacked the sufficient talent to be there and was just trying to make a statement — she helped take her public middle school team to the state finals last year and had local high schools fawning over her for her kicking services, if that’s even allowed.

The truly embarrassing thing is that private schools, while holding the ability to be a little more discriminatory, should generally be more progressive in these matters because they’re not governed by the government’s laws.

So to see someone set everyone back about 10 years just because he has power and doesn’t think that girls should play football, well, that’s pretty irritating.

Source: AOL News

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