1…Kd7! 2.Rd6+ Kc7 3.Rxd8 Kxb7 a)4.Kd4? b2 even wins b)4.Rd1 a3 (threatening a2 which definitely saves the game once it’s played) 5.Rb1 b2 6.Kd4 Kc7!? for instance 7.Kc3 a2! =
Even Schlechter wouldn’t take the draw at once here ( and despite all his draws, he’s still a great artist, don’t misunderstand me !)
4…b1/Q! 5.b8/Q Qe1+ +=
The position is a draw because White can’t escape the checks via the d-file and the White queen will not be able to act without leaving the White rook en prise.
1..Kf7 2.Rb6 a3! 3.Rxb3 a2 4.Ra3 Rb8=
I see here 2 draws :
1…Kf7 2.Rb6 Rb8 3.Kd6 a3 4.Rxb3 a2
and second :
1…b2 2.Rh7+ Kf8 3.Rh8+ Ke7 4.Rxd8 b1=Q 5.b8=Q Qe1+ with perpetual check, white King can not escape
to enable black to put his rook on
b8 and then push his pawns
1…Kf7! if 2.Rf6+ Kg7 if 2.Rd6 Rb8
if 2.Kf6 Kg7 if 2.Rh4 Rb8 etc
1…Kd7! 2.Rd6+ Kc7 3.Rxd8 Kxb7
a)4.Kd4? b2 even wins
b)4.Rd1 a3 (threatening a2 which definitely saves the game once it’s played) 5.Rb1 b2 6.Kd4 Kc7!? for instance 7.Kc3 a2! =
Timothée :
1…Kd7? is not good :
2.Rd6+ Kc7 3.Rxd8 Kxb7 4.Rd1! and Kd4-c3 , white wins
1.-b2 draws too. Fritz12
of course !
2. Rh7+
2.Rb6? a3! and Black might even be the one to win
2….Ke8 3. Rh8+ Ke7 4.Rxd8
Even Schlechter wouldn’t take the draw at once here ( and despite all his draws, he’s still a great artist, don’t misunderstand me !)
4…b1/Q! 5.b8/Q Qe1+ +=
The position is a draw because White can’t escape the checks via the d-file and the White queen will not be able to act without leaving the White rook en prise.
Sorry my previous comment was from long ago ! I didn’t even realize i had posted it. I just came back to this position via Susan’s new link.