About GambitKing

GambitKing was founded and operates on one basic principal. We believe people deserve a place where they can enjoy the world’s most popular games of skill and wager against one another in a fair, secure, head-to-head environment.

GambitKing members can create a profile, interact with one another and compete in head-to-head matches of…

  • Chess
  • Checkers
  • 8 Ball Pool
  • 9 Ball Pool
  • Shuffleboard.

We provide the tools that accurately rank players and fairly adjust odds according to each player’s level of skill. These tools allow every member to compete for cash in a fair and secure environment. For more information on these tools, see our “Fair Play” section. If you just want to play for fun, enjoy all that our site has to offer – you can find players to compete against in our free rooms!

Our community consists of players from around the world and of all skill levels. Grow your list of Friends and Rivals, and handpick the players that you want to compete against. You can also share ideas and strategies on each other’s profile pages, in our forums or on your personal GambitKing Blog!

If your friends are not online or are currently occupied in another game, click on the game icon of your choice and you will be launched into our Arena page. In the Arena you will find different rooms filled with players of all skill levels, eager and ready to play.

Please enjoy your time spent here at Gambitking and play well!

More info here: http://www.gambitking.com

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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