After 6 rounds, GM Shabalov is in clear first with 5.5 points in 6 games. He defeated both GM Nakamura (2755) and GM Izoria (2722) with the Black pieces!

Here are some of the leaders:

1 GM Alexander Shabalov 2656 5½
2-6 GM Gata Kamsky 2752 5
2-6 GM Jaan Ehlvest 2675 5
2-6 GM Ildar Ibragimov 2675 5
2-6 GM Yury Shulman 2662 5
2-6 GM Alexander Stripunsky 2638 5
7-9 GM Hikaru Nakamura 2755 4½

Here is the official website.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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