Bobby Fischer versus 50 players

  • Posted By: Scott Harrison
  • Posted On: 12:14 a.m. | October 8, 2012

Apr. 12, 1964: U.S. chess champion Bobby Fischer makes move during an exhibition match against 50 players in the Knickerbocker Hotel in Hollywood.

Isaac Kashdan, The Times’ chess editor, reported the next day:

Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn, 21-year-old U.S. chess champion, played against 50 opponents simultaneously Sunday afternoon in the Knickerbocker Hotel in Hollywood.
Fischer moved constantly from board to board, sizing up each position, rarely pausing more than a few seconds before making his move. He won a total of 47 games, lost one, and drew two.
The only one to defeat the grand master was Donn Rogosin, junior member of the Herman Steiner Chess Club, which sponsored the exhibition.
The two people who drew were Andy Sacks and Nicholas Fenquist, also members.
Fischer is on a cross-country tour, with more than 40 exhibitions scheduled.

Bobby Fischer went on to dominate the chess world. He passed away Jan. 17, 2008. For more, check out the Los Angeles Times Bobby Fischer obituary.

This photo by former staff photographer Steve Fontanini accompanied Kashdan’s story in the April 13, 1964 L.A. Times.


Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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