White to move. How should White proceed? Fischer, Robert James – Schweber, Samuel (Buenos Aires, 1970) 1k1r3r/ppqb4/5Ppp/3p4/P2np3/3BR1Q1/2PB1PPP/R5K1 w – – 0 23
At first glance, White seems to be in a bit of a frustrating position here. White would like to bring his black-squared bishop to f4, but with the rook in the way, there doesn’t seem to be any effective way to do this. But what if White just goes full-speed ahead trying to make something out of this idea with 1. Rxe4
23. Rxe4 Qxg3 (23. .. dxe4 24. Bf4) 24. Rxd4 and the Black queen will now be lost at the cost of only a bishop.
Fischer might have been confident enough to play something like Rxe4, threatening Bf4. After Qxg3 fxg3 then dxe4 could be followed by Bf4ch or Bxe4 and black has rook for a couple of pawns. But after Rf1 and with the 2 free bishops the f pawn looks very powerful
I overlooked Rxd4 but what if, after Rxe4, black plays Nf3 ch? If white captures with pawn then Qxg3 is check so black wins the exchange and if Queen takes then dxe4 also wins the exchange as Bf4 is not possible until the next move. Lastly if the king moves then The bishop on d2 is hanging or Qxg3 and white must recapture and then dxe4 leaves both bishops en pris. Probably after capturing the knight (after Nf3ch) Fischer has enough to win anyway but only because he was so good!
I give up..this one is tough…
1. Qxc7+ Kxc7 2. Bf1
(if 2…Nxc2? 3.Rc3+ Kb8 4.Rxc2 +-)
Rxe4 (threat Bf4)
…. Qxg3 (forced)
Rxd4! Black q has nowhere to go
Bc3 !!
At first glance, White seems to be in a bit of a frustrating position here. White would like to bring his black-squared bishop to f4, but with the rook in the way, there doesn’t seem to be any effective way to do this. But what if White just goes full-speed ahead trying to make something out of this idea with 1. Rxe4
23. Rxe4 Qxg3 (23. .. dxe4 24. Bf4) 24. Rxd4 and the Black queen will now be lost at the cost of only a bishop.
Rxe4 a next move Bf4!
Rxe4 and next move Bf4
Txe4 dxe4 Lf4
Fischer might have been confident enough to play something like Rxe4, threatening Bf4. After Qxg3 fxg3 then dxe4 could be followed by Bf4ch or Bxe4 and black has rook for a couple of pawns. But after Rf1 and with the 2 free bishops the f pawn looks very powerful
Rxe4, Qxg3
Rxe4, Qxg3
I overlooked Rxd4 but what if, after Rxe4, black plays Nf3 ch? If white captures with pawn then Qxg3 is check so black wins the exchange and if Queen takes then dxe4 also wins the exchange as Bf4 is not possible until the next move. Lastly if the king moves then The bishop on d2 is hanging or Qxg3 and white must recapture and then dxe4 leaves both bishops en pris. Probably after capturing the knight (after Nf3ch) Fischer has enough to win anyway but only because he was so good!
AlanDGravett said…
I overlooked Rxd4 but what if, after Rxe4, black plays Nf3 ch?
Others can probably do better, but I think even this line favors White by removing the two central pawns as well as the Knight.
1. Rxe4 Nf3+
2. Qxf3 dxe4
3. Qxe4