While I saw 1. …Qg1 almost instantly as a move that might be winning, it surprises me the mating line is that long- I certainly couldn’t see it that deep- I could get to about move 6 in without a chess board before getting lost.
I think 1. …Qg1 is probably the only move that doesn’t lose for black in this position- I certainly don’t see any plausible alternative.
I think maybe 1. … Bf3 and exchanging bishops followed by Nd3 and Nf2+ was what she had planned, but 1. … Qxg1+ does prune the possible move tree down a lot.
1…… Qxg1+!. 2. Kxg1. Re1+. 3. Bf1. R3xf1+!. 4. Kg2. Rg1+. 5. Kf2. Re1-f1+. 6. Ke3. Rf3+!
A- 7. Ke2. Rf5/f6+. 8. Ke3. Re1+. 9. Re2. Rxe2#
B- 7. Ke4. Re1+. 8. Re2. Rxe2#
3. Should read …R6xf1+
1… Qxg1+
2. Kxg1 Re1+
3. Bf1 Rfxf1+
4. Kg2 Rg1+
5. Kf2 Ref1+
6. Ke3 Rf3+
7. Ke2 Rf5+
8. Ke3 Re1+
9. Re2 Rxe2#
As a side note:
1. …Qxg1+
2. Kxg1 Re1+
3. Bf1 Bh3?
4. Qd8+ Kh7
5. Qxf6!
While I saw 1. …Qg1 almost instantly as a move that might be winning, it surprises me the mating line is that long- I certainly couldn’t see it that deep- I could get to about move 6 in without a chess board before getting lost.
I think 1. …Qg1 is probably the only move that doesn’t lose for black in this position- I certainly don’t see any plausible alternative.
I think maybe 1. … Bf3 and exchanging bishops followed by Nd3 and Nf2+ was what she had planned, but 1. … Qxg1+ does prune the possible move tree down a lot.