Given black’s threat on Ba3, the beginning isn’t that hard to find- just about has to be the queen sacrifice at f7:
1. Qf7 Kf7 (forced by the threat of 2.Qg7#)
However, the rest is more challenging, especially for myself since I have a long and antagonistic relationship with knights. At first I thought it had to be 2.Rf1, but black’s king can hide long enough to allow black to mate. That leaves the knight check…..
2. Ne5!
And where can the black king escape? If he goes to e8, white mates with 3.Ng7, so…..
1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 2.Ne5+ Ke8 3.Nxg7# or 2…Kg8 3.Nf6+ gxf6 4.Rg1#
2…Kg8 3.Nf6+ gxf6 4.Rg1+ Kh8 5.Nf7#
1. Qxf7+ Kxf7 2. Ne5+ Kg8 3. Nf6+ gxf6 (… Kh8 4. Nf7#) 4. Rg1+ Kh8 5. Nf7#
2 … Ke8 3. Nxg7#
I somehow had an imaginary rook on h8 with my first comment so you were definitely first that time Karthik 🙂
Given black’s threat on Ba3, the beginning isn’t that hard to find- just about has to be the queen sacrifice at f7:
1. Qf7 Kf7 (forced by the threat of 2.Qg7#)
However, the rest is more challenging, especially for myself since I have a long and antagonistic relationship with knights. At first I thought it had to be 2.Rf1, but black’s king can hide long enough to allow black to mate. That leaves the knight check…..
2. Ne5!
And where can the black king escape? If he goes to e8, white mates with 3.Ng7, so…..
2. ………..Kg8
3. Nf6! gf6 (If Kh8, 4.Nf7 is mate)
4. Rg1
The rook finally finds the right file- the g-file, not the f-file, and 5.Nf7# can’t be prevented. A fine day at the horse show.