I refrained from giving solution in the morning to offset the time zone advantage. 1.Qxf6 gxf6
2.N5e4+ kh7
(2…. Kh8 3.Nf6 Ng6 4.Nxd7)
(2…. Ng6 3.Nxf6+ wins Q back along with N)
3.Nxf6+ Kh6
4.e4+ Bf4
Note that after …. Ng6 BQ is supportless.
3:53 p.m. Indian standard time
After 1.Qxf6 can black do something other than resigning.?
e.g. 1….. Bd8. How should white respond? Retain the piece by 2.Qf4 f6 3.Nf3 or return the piece by 2.Qf3 f6 when the N has nowhere to go and 3.h4 fxg5 4.hxg5 giving very active play for white ? both are winning but which is better?
Either mate in 5 or gain of material, at least N.
If N intervenes the check BQ loses support.
Indian standard time 11:05 A.M. 19 June
1) Q:f6; K move – 2) Ne4!!
Buona giornata!!
Sorry!! 1) Q:f6; g:f6 – 2) Ne4!!; K move e Nf6 – sorry again!
Buona giornata!
I refrained from giving solution in the morning to offset the time zone advantage.
1.Qxf6 gxf6
2.N5e4+ kh7
(2…. Kh8 3.Nf6 Ng6 4.Nxd7)
(2…. Ng6 3.Nxf6+ wins Q back along with N)
3.Nxf6+ Kh6
4.e4+ Bf4
Note that after …. Ng6 BQ is supportless.
3:53 p.m. Indian standard time
I agree as with 1.Qxf6 would lead to a dangerous check soon after, that would culminate into mate.
After 1.Qxf6 can black do something other than resigning.?
e.g. 1….. Bd8. How should white respond? Retain the piece by 2.Qf4 f6 3.Nf3 or return the piece by 2.Qf3 f6 when the N has nowhere to go and 3.h4 fxg5 4.hxg5 giving very active play for white ? both are winning but which is better?