Daily Chess Improvement: Classic Chess Knockout Tactic! Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving Black to move. How should Black proceed? Source: ChessToday.net
1) Nxg3 PxN
2) Nc4 NxN
3) Qh6+
Rajan. After 2) Nc4, white can play Qc3 or Qe2. it is not a good idea immediately saq the knight. I found a winning line with Bxd1. Now lets think chess players.
The white position is full of holes, so there may be multiple winning lines indeed
It seems the most solid is 1… Nc4! (winning a piece)
White cannot capture 2. Nxc4 since 2… Nxg3+ 3. hg Qh6+ 4. Bh3 Qxh3+ 5. Qh2 Qxf1+ ends.
Also 2. Qe2 Nxe3 3. Qxh5 Nxf1 looks hopeless.
1… Bxd1 2. Qxd1 Nxg3+ 3. hg Nc4 is probably hopeless too but there might be still some fight.