Create your own caption caption I have been very impressed with some of the clever captions that have been posted. How about this one? 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Eh………….What’s Up Doc?
You’ve got a little bit of your lunch on your beak just here…
“Bug off sweetie. Don’t you know that STD’s are getting into the bird population? It’s called ‘chirpes’, and it’s ‘untweetable’.”
Sam in Lubbock
It’s a great honour for two birds like us to become the subject of a caption generation game published by her excellency, Susan Polgar.
Two USCF board members making a motion…
Heads I win. Tails you lose.
Now back off from *my* lunch!!
Goichberg and Sloan taking a bite out of the USCF.
Birds Opening, Symmetrical Variation.
Give me that! It’s mine!
Uh oh…why didn’t you tell me that there was SuperGlue on this?
Why fight over the little things. No matter who wins, they’ll still be hungry afterwards.
“I told ya’ once, I told ya’ a thousand times: Pawns take to the side!”
Right bird (male): Oh sweetheart, I have given you my food, how can I win thy heart?
Left bird (female): How sweet!
Right bird: Ah…bee caught your tongue isn’t it?
Left bird thinks: I am not giving you my share.