Today is the 2107th day of reporting news from around the globe. More than 9 million visitors from 4,7 million unique IP addresses and 79 million page views marked the year 2012 as a huge success.

A major role in the record breaking statistics was played by the language versions (Russian, Spanish, and Bulgarian), yet the highest activity prize goes to the USA as the country with most visitors on the website, constituting 10,59% of the total visitors.

USA was the first country that crossed the 1 million users mark in the web statistics in a 12 months period. Between 1.11.2011 and 1.11.2012 a total of 1,004,690 visitors from USA were active on Chessdom. To honor our USA readers, we decided to create a dedicated part of the website, focusing specifically on US tournaments, players, and chess enthusiasts. As of today, we proudly present the brand new region specific version

Having, we will be able to cover a larger scope of local events, giving the stage to regional clubs and organizations. Daily we receive tens of prompts regarding USA chess activities and now they will all have dedicated space to be published.

Click on the image for larger view

More functionality and sections to come at Chessdom

The month of January 2013 will see more improvements coming to Chessdom, all directed to covering more stories, enhancing the community part, and help the users to enjoy the game of chess. Stay tuned for more innovations during the Gibraltar and Tata Steel tournaments!

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar