ChessCampeona Editorial Council

We have selected GM Susan Polgar as the winner of the 2010 ChessCampeona Award in the category of “AMERICAN CHESS ORGANIZER COMEBACK STORY OF THE YEAR”. GM Susan Polgar faced numerous political chess problems in 2009 that caused the USCF to remove its support of the SUSAN POLGAR NATIONAL INVITATIONAL. This tournament was an important event in the annual cycle of the owner of this website, 13-year old WCM Claudia Munoz.

We congratulate GM Susan Polgar for innovating a different style of event as she created the SUSAN POLGAR GIRLS INVITATIONAL to substitute the SPNI. Although Claudia was unable to attend this event due to the recuperation process of a gall bladder operation, GM Susan Polgar took the time to personally call and inquire on Claudia’s participation.

The easiest thing for GM Susan Polgar was to give up in girls chess, she has only gotten started. This is the reason why we symbolically award her our recognition.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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