I played against him in Hoogeveen, Holland, in the Unive Open Tournament, October 2010. Very interesting game we had, finally a draw in a Najdorf: Deep Sengupta – Alina l’Ami, I am Alina, as you might noticed:) My deep respect for him, a very nice person and good player as well! You can find more information about that tournament on my blog: http://www.alinalami.com under the label: tournaments.
GM Sandipab of India.
I played against him in Hoogeveen, Holland, in the Unive Open Tournament, October 2010. Very interesting game we had, finally a draw in a Najdorf: Deep Sengupta – Alina l’Ami, I am Alina, as you might noticed:) My deep respect for him, a very nice person and good player as well! You can find more information about that tournament on my blog: http://www.alinalami.com under the label: tournaments.
Gyula Sax
GM Deep Sengupta
Sengupta Deep
Bishops are my friends 🙂
Chunteepan Ganja
Hosni Mubarak
Hamid Tamiq al-Bigbooti
Hamid Tamiq al-Bigbooti
Only his mother would know this guy.
this is my aunt Pauline
Deep Sengupta of India, photo taken in Gibraltar Chess Congress 2011.
thanks man