Yeah, that looks like the best move to me. This position is annoying, as the mate threat along the long diagonal, coupled with possibility of the knight’s discovered attack on the white queen while opening up the diagonal for a mate threat looks so powerful that it seems black must mate or win a queen, but the white knight threatening the queen seems to ruin all the cool threats.
So sack the queen for a pawn and then Nd4 or Na5 with discovered check recaptures the queen with a pawn interest. Hey, a pawn is a pawn, but this puzzle is sooo psychologically painful because I want to find a devastating blow, and there just doesn’t seem to be one out there. So I agree: take the pawn and run!
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1. Nd4 Nxe4
Now what?
… Nd4?
Nxe4! Nxb3
Nf6+ +/-
… Qxg2+
Kxg2 Nd4+
Win a pawn
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does this have a solution. i cant see anything. i always have trouble looking at the board reversed.
Winning a pawn is simple, dont know whats the best continuation
“… Qxg2+
Kxg2 Nd4+
Win a pawn”
Yeah, that looks like the best move to me. This position is annoying, as the mate threat along the long diagonal, coupled with possibility of the knight’s discovered attack on the white queen while opening up the diagonal for a mate threat looks so powerful that it seems black must mate or win a queen, but the white knight threatening the queen seems to ruin all the cool threats.
So sack the queen for a pawn and then Nd4 or Na5 with discovered check recaptures the queen with a pawn interest. Hey, a pawn is a pawn, but this puzzle is sooo psychologically painful because I want to find a devastating blow, and there just doesn’t seem to be one out there. So I agree: take the pawn and run!