Chess precision Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. What is the best way for White to proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Rb7+ Ka5(Ka4 b3+ Ka5 Bd2mate) Bd2+ Ka4 b3 mate
1. rb7+
if 1… ka4
2. b3+, ka5
3. bd2#
if 1…ka5
2. bd2+, ka4
3. b3#
1. Rb7+ and mate
if 1. Ka5 2.Bd2+ Ka4 3.b3++ (or 2. Rc3 3.Bxc3+ Ka4 4.b3++)
IF 1. Ka4 2.b3+ Ka5 3.Bd2+ Rc3 4.Bxc3++
(1. Rb6 = mate in 4 2.Rxb6+ change nothink)
R:b7+ and mate in 3
R:b7+ and mate in 3
Mate in three.
1.Rb7+ Ka5 (or 1…Ka4 2.b3+ Ka5 2.Bd2+ Rc3 3.Bxc3#)
2.Bd2+ ka4
1.Rb7+ Ka5 2.Bd2+ Ka4 3.b3#
1.Rb7+ Ka4 2.b3+ Ka5 3.Bd2+ Rc3 4.Bxc3#
Mate in 4 moves
1. Rb7+ Ka4
2. b3+ Ka5
3. Bd2 Rc3
4. Bxc3#
Did I miss anything?
1.Rb7+ mates: 1…Ka4 2.b3+ Ka5 3.Bd2+ etc.
The move rb7 definetely leads to mate :)..
rb7 definetely leads to mate:)