All i am getting is a draw for Black. Knight takes on g4, fg4. Rook eliminates the defending knight on d2, Queen captures the rook, and then Black Queen takes the e4 pawn check, resulting a draw.
Black seems to win at least two pawns with 1. -, Rxd2! 2. Rxd2, Nxe4. If 3. Qg2, Nxd2 4. Qxd2, Qxg4 5. Qf2 -+ (or 5. Qe2 or even trading queens with 5. Qg2) black should win this game by and by.
More interesting is the line 3. fxe4?!, Qxe4+ 4. Qg2, Qxc4! -+ and white is lost (5. Qxc6, Qxf1# or 5. Rdd1/Rdf2, Bxg2+ and black has QPPP for RB)
All i am getting is a draw for Black. Knight takes on g4, fg4. Rook eliminates the defending knight on d2, Queen captures the rook, and then Black Queen takes the e4 pawn check, resulting a draw.
1.Rxd2 if Qxd2 of Rxd2 or Bxd2 2.Nxe4
material adv.
1.Rxd2 if Qxd2 or Rxd2 or Bxd2 Nxe4
There are still moves that black can proceed. It depends on the real situation and player who will do the moves.
Black seems to win at least two pawns with 1. -, Rxd2! 2. Rxd2, Nxe4.
If 3. Qg2, Nxd2 4. Qxd2, Qxg4 5. Qf2 -+ (or 5. Qe2 or even trading queens with 5. Qg2) black should win this game by and by.
More interesting is the line 3. fxe4?!, Qxe4+ 4. Qg2, Qxc4! -+ and white is lost (5. Qxc6, Qxf1# or 5. Rdd1/Rdf2, Bxg2+ and black has QPPP for RB)
Best wishes
2.fxg4 Rxd2
3.Qxd2 Qxe4+
4.Kg1 Qh1+
5.Kf2 Qg2+
6.Ke1 Re8+
7.Be3 and white wins
All i can see is
1. Nxg4 .. fxg4
2. Rxd2 .. Qxd2 (i’m not sure if is better than Rxd2 or Bxd2)
3. Bxe4+ .. Kg1
4. Qxg4+ .. Kf2
5. Qg2+ followed by Re8
or after .. Rg2
4. Qxg4
maybe 1… Rd2
followed by:
2. (Rxd2 or Qxd2) Ke4
3. fxe4 Qxe4
1. .. Rxd2
2. Bxd2 Nxe4
3. Qe2 Nxd2
4. Rxd2 Qxg4
and white’s potition is a mess
Black can also play:
1. .. Rxd2
2. Bxd2 Qxg4 at once because
3. fxg4 fails to
4. Kg1 Nh3#
How about:
1.Nxg4 fxg4
2. Rxd2
3.Qxe4+ Qg2
4.Qxc4 Qxc6
5.Qxf1 mate
2. Bxd2
3.Bxe4+ Kg1
1…Nxg4!If 2.fxg4 then 2…Rxd2 3.Qxd2 Qxe4+ 4.Kg1 Re8 and white cannot prevent the Queen to h1 and mating eventually.
1…Nxg4! 2.fxg4 Rxd2 3.Qxd2 (3.Bxd2 Qxe4-+ ; 3.Rxd2 Qxe4 4.Qg2 Qg6! 5.Rf3 Qb1-+) Qxe4 4.Kg1 Re8!! -+ with the idea Qh1 Kf2 Qg2 mate (4…Qh1? 5.Kf2 Qg2 6.Ke1 Re8 7.Be3 is incorrect)
Nxg4. fxg. Bxe4+. Nxe4. Qxe4+. Qf3. Qxf3+. Rxf3. Rxd1+
1…. Nxg4
2fxg4 Rxd2
3Rxd2 Qxe4+
4Qg2 Qe6
winning the gueen
Txd2 and Cxf4
Txd2 and Cxf4
Yes, it’s time for confutations: i think that there’s difference between 3. Rxd2, and 3. Qxd2.
If Black recaptures with the rook then is stronger 4 .. Qxe4, but in the other case is stronger 4 .. Bxe4 followed by Qxg4.