Daily Chess Improvement: Checkmate in 3 Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move and checkmate in 3. No computer please 🙂 r6r/3R2pp/5n2/1pb2p1Q/4k3/5N2/p1P3PP/1nB4K w – – 0 1
Qh4+ Ng4
Qe7+ Bxe7
Qh4, easy one
how about Nd4
Qf7 !
sorry , mark is right:]]
Here we go: Checkmate in 3
2. Qe1+ is simpler and correct, too.
Mark is right. Hard to find the second move!
2. Qe1 will not checkmate in 3 after 2…Ne3.
Very nice, the second move Qe7+ is very difficult, because sacrifices the queen.
An older problem than my own notes show- I had this posted in February of last year, but I see it is over 7 years older than that.
Isn’t this mate in two. Qh4pf4 Qxp mate