I am seeking the assistance of one or a few experienced editors to help me and the Susan Polgar Foundation. It would be a volunteer position that would require about 1 hour or so a month. The main task...
Chess, a game that has no linguistic barriers

Young chess masters go four roundsFirst Sister City tourney fundraiser for exchangeBy Rachel Denny Clow Caller-TimesJanuary 28, 2007 Kindergartners and adults battled through four rounds of chess during the first Sister City Chess Championship on Saturday at Oveal Williams...
Susan Polgar National Chess Events for Girls and Boys

Susan Polgar National Chess Challenge for Boys – Susan Polgar National Open Championship for GirlsAwesome Prizes in Both Events! College Scholarships Available! President’s Day WeekendFebruary 16-18, 2007 Corpus Christi, TexasK-2, 3rd-5th, 6th-9th, Open Section (for all ages!)6 Round Swiss...
Saturday Open Forum

It is Saturday Open Forum! Sorry it is a little late because my blog was down for nearly a day due to upgrades. What would you like to talk about? Corus? Cheating allegations against Topalov by the German news...
I’m baaaack!

Another painting by my sister Sofia Welcome back!! It took around 23 hours for Google Blogger to switch my blog to a new and improve site. They said my blog was too big and that is why it took...
Park view

Well, not Central Park. This is the view from our apartment. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar