Black to move. Is this a win, draw, or loss for Black? How should Black proceed? (No computer lines please.) 8/3Rp3/1k6/8/K4p2/P3P3/7r/8 b – – 0 1

Hello everybody, and welcome to a third article of the “Understanding Chess with Grandmaster Illia Nyzhnyk” series. In the last article, I talked about king safety, and what one should be looking for when making a decision on how to defend their king. This time, I would like to “reverse the roles” and discuss what […]
Understanding Chess with GM Nyzhnyk: King Safety (2)

Hello everybody, and welcome to a second article of the “Understanding Chess with Grandmaster Illia Nyzhnyk” series. I would like to pick up where the previous article left off – how to hide your king properly and avoid getting checkmated. Please consider the following position: The only way to save the white king is to […]
Understanding Chess with GM Nyzhnyk – Introduction (1)

Hello everybody, and welcome to the “Understanding Chess with Grandmaster Illia Nyzhnyk”, a series of short chess articles. My goal for these articles is to show you fundamental chess principles with simple examples, something you can use as a reference while learning the game and becoming a better player. To start things off, I would […]
Chess Sickness and the Cure!

Common Chess Sickness! And this sickness can cause a lot of pain and headaches! DO NOT get into time pressure! I have been preaching this to all my students for the longest time! Discipline yourself! I have seen countless World Championship titles, National Championships, Olympiad Gold Medals, and Big Tournament Money lost because of blunders […]
Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% talent!

Being a Grandmaster and a Chess Mom can be tricky sometimes. After a lot of dedication and hard work, my elder son Tommy finally broke through and won the National 2nd Grade Championship in December 2006. He also became the #1 ranked 7 year old in the country. This was the beginning of the downfall. […]
Important Scholastic Coaching Tips

Coaching Tips Since I started attending scholastic chess events some years ago when my children began to play chess, I saw things in a different light and there were routines my sons and I have to follow. The most important thing is that my sons have to enjoy playing chess, studying the game and competing […]